Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crisis Core FFVII

Ok I got this last year, and have been playing on and off, I keep putting it off because I know what is going to happen and I don’t want it to… The first long brake I took was when I got to Nibelheim, then again when I had to find Sehp. Most recently I stopped when I got to Banora. But I have started up again…. I still don’t want the end to happen but not much I can do about it. I’m stuck on a boss right now that KOs me is one hit….. If you played you know the one.

Things I love about the game. The game play, the attack and magic bar is I nice way to set things up.  I loved the limit brakes/summons, Getting new ones as you meet new people seems to fit Zack well.  Getting to know Zack was great, he is a big influents on FFVII without even being in it.  And Seeing Seph before he lost it is nice too. I even Love Gneisses and Angeal! And I find Loveless to be a nice touch since we see it referenced in all the other FFVII games. 

Things I hate about the game….The what you level! Wow not cool it’s way to random. Hojo and Hollander, really I hate Hojo no matter what but still it needed to be said. And the way Angeal dies, it was so mean and sad! 

There are a lot of people who hate some of the new parts of the story this game added. I don’t get way… “They changed it now it sucks” is not a good reason!  Off the top of my head here is what I know people have been complaining about; Genesis being in Nibelheim and pointing Seph down the crazy path. They say it is not right because he is not in FFVII its self. This is not a good argument as we here the story from Cloud in the first game and later learn in the same game that He was not in the reactor when Seph saw the experiments…Zack was, and Cloud was to out of it to know if he saw Gen on the trip back to Midgar. Tifa was also not in the reactor and wouldn’t be able to say if Gen was there or not! So really him not being mentioned in the first game means only that Cloud hadn’t met him. The same got for Angeal, I mean do we really think Hojo is the only mad scientist the works for ShinRa? Or the only one that would mess with Jinova? I don’t.
Any way I will add more when I finish the game but for now here is a list of things spell check likes better then Hojo: Hobo, Hood, Hoof, Hook, and Hoop. Hobo makes me giggle….


Ok this one I got last September and have played it 6 times and got all but 4 of the achievements. So it’s much fresher in my mind that the last game I talked about. 

I got into portal though the ending song Still Alive, which was on my iPod long before I got the game.  My laptop handles it ok as long as I don’t play for too long at a time but it’s most likely the only game I will put on it. That said I love this game! I was careful to not get spoilers of the game play its self but the plot well let’s just say I watched a Lets Play of Portal 2 before I knew I was going to Get to play it.  

Some of my favorite parts of portal were playing with toruts and playing with the commentary on. Of the testing part I liked room 18 the most; something about the way you move thought the portals on the last bit just looks so fun. The test I hated was 15 with the moving platforms and the timed buttons on different sides of the room…Now we all love the Companion Cube, I named my Cubeswerth…..and I even jumped into the incinerator once to see what would happen…. (You die….gasp) I think they should have given GLaDOS a line for when people do that. I found the Rat Dens to be really creepy in this part of the game. The escape part well that was all on the creepy side. I really hated the piston rooms to much noise and I kept getting swished.  I had this habit of picking stuff up and bringing it with me as far as I could, the mostly meant I would bring a box or something to the end not shore what I just did. Did anyone elts feel like a bad person for burning the curiosity core? And getting to the anger Core (Who I have named Karkat) somehow made me mad….maybe that’s just what that core dose…or maybe I just suck and grabbing it, one of those. 

Wow this one is short but hey the game can be beaten is half a day and that’s with me having to take breaks for my laptop to rest. 

StarOcean: Till The End of Time

Well I’m not allowed to play any games for a day or two because my wrist is messed up. So I thought I should get started on my ranting…I mean talking about my games.  Scents I can’t tell you about any new games yet I’ll tell you about one of my favorites!  StarOcean: Till the End of Time:

This is one of the first games I played; it’s the third of the StarOcean games but I didn’t know that at the time and I don’t think it hurt the story at all, it come out in (year) and like most of the games I play is from SquareEnix. My first play though I didn’t get too far, I got stuck riding a giant turtle in a maze…. then my game got stolen by a roommate that moved out…..Yah…  After I got a new copy I was able to play the game to the end.  Now it has been a long time scents I played this, but here is what I remember. 

A thing that really bugged me in the first part was Sophia the main character’s best friend. She came off as… well I really hate her and why the hell could she not zip her pants up?! But I Loved the Song they played so much I have it on my IPod now.  Meeting Pepitta was odd but cute and I was so glad when she showed up to help fight! To be honest I don’t remember how I felt playing on Vangard III the first time, but when I played though it again I was just impatient for the next part of the game. Though I will say I liked meeting Cliff and Mirage.

Next part of the main party I met was Nel, she is nice I gess but really nothing new…eye candy with magic. Meh I won’t lie I traded her out when I got the chance. As we made our way to Nel’s goal we met a Sophia lookalike cosplaying Aerith and got sent into the woods to save her. Looking for her give us the chance to meet the most annoying thing to ever be in this game…..Roger! I wish I hadn’t gone into the cabin… though one of his friends is really cute like aww cute I just don’t remember his name. 

Albel Nox aka the eye candy for girls and yah he is my favorite….no I’m not ashamed he’s cool(Yes Nox  but that is not how I got my user name, Nox is my middle name).  Audrey, old guy who won’t shut up about his little girl (a friend of Nel’s) don’t like him, but I got his ending….it wasn’t what I thought thankfully.  Maria the moment she showed up I was shore she would be Fayt’s long lost sister…well I was close.  Welch is kind of cool I loved her little cut scenes, but Item crafting was a pain because you had no real way to know what you were going to make just how much it would cost, and each price was not only randomly selected at a push of a button but had more than one thing it could be. I only used it when I had to and then to make my main party some nice new toys/weapons.

I should say that at this point I was using Albel, Cliff, and Fayt for the fights, but I replaced Fayt with Mirage when she joined.  Getting to take Albel into space was fun and He who the first I took with me by telling him I don’t hate him. That scene by the way was really sweet and kinda funny.
I loved the way Pepitta was brought back I had to laugh her family is fun, and she was my other pick for joining my party, thought I didn’t use her much.

The Twist….I don’t get why people hate it so much I liked it…. Maybe I’m just slow but I didn’t see it coming! The 4D world was a nice change and yes is had more fun than I should have at the bunny races.  I got stuck for a bit Sphere 211 to the point I thought I was going to have to back track… luckily I got past it and beet the game…..Thought I still haven’t gotten thought the dungeons that winning unlocks.  I did get far enough to meet Santa… that this will be in my nightmares forever.

I’ll say it now I count things as won when I get to the credits even if there are bonuses after… but I do try to play them….I just suck.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Games

The Games
Here is a chart of all the Games I plan to play, Games I have but haven’t played yet, and games I have played. My goal is to get all the games into the Have played list and to rant to whatever poor soul is reading this as I go!

(A quick key to my short hand: FF is Final Fantasy, KH is Kingdome Hearts, AC is Assassin’s Creed. Games listed with * after them are the ones I have beaten. I will also list the systems they are on in ( ). ) 

Currently Playing: FFVII Crisis Core (PSP) 

Games To Get
Games To Play
Games Played
Bushido Blade (PS1)
FF Tactics (PS1)
Soul Blade (PS1)
FMA Broken Angel (PS2)*
Parasite Eve (PS1)
Soul Reaver (PS1)
Parasite Eve 2(PS1)
Tenchu (PS1)
FFX-2 (PS2)*
Half-Life (PS2)
Vagrant Story (PS1)
FFVII Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)*
AC 1 (PS3)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (PC)
AC 2 (PS3)
Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)
Genji Dawn of the Samurai (PS2)*
AC 3 (PS3)

KH 1 (PS2)*
AC Brotherhood (PS3)

KH 2 (PS2)*
AC Revelations (PS3)

KH Re: Chain of Memories (PS2)
American McGee’s Alice (PS3)

StarOcean: Till the End of Time (PS2) *
Dishonored (PS3)

Deseadia FF (PSP)*

FFVII Crisis Core (PSP)

KH Birth by Sleep (PSP)
Half-Life 2 (PS3)

Portal 2 (PS3)

FFXII Ravent Wings (DS)
AC Bloodlines (PSP)

KH 358/2 Days (DS)*
Deseadia FF 012 (PSP)

Portal (PC)*


FFIV (Complete Collation) (PSP)

FF Type-0 (PSP)

AC Altair’s Chronicles (DS)

AC Discovery (DS)

FF Tactics Advance (GBA/DS)

FF Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (DS)

FF The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)

KH Re: Coded (DS)

KH 3D (3DS)

AC 3 (Something) (PS Vita)